IIT Madras is organising a AICTE sponsored 6-day online short term course on Laser applications in machining and material processing. The course will be chaired by experts from IIT Madras, Research institutions and industries. The course comprises of both theoretical and practical sessions. As the course is completely online, it will be possible for you to stay at your place and visit the world class facilities. The course will include topics covering the basics of Lasers and complex applications of lasers in various fields of manufacturing. The speakers are chosen such that the course has a variety of subjects from science and technology.
Click here to register.
The last date to register is 04.03.2022.
Limited Registrations, register soon.....
Please Note: For the first 30 faculty members from AICTE approved colleges the registration fee will be refunded after the course completion.
For more details, click here to refer to the brochure.
Hurry up, limited participants. Registrations closing soon!!!
